
发布于:2022-09-21 12:40:00 类别:备考资料 阅读:241





  A man had two sons named Jack and Tom.They were born at almost the same time and looked exactly alike.But in one important way they were very different.

  Jack was an optimist(乐观者),while Tom was a pessimist(悲观者).Jack always thought that good things would happen,while Tom thought just in the opposite way.

  The man was worried about his two sons.There are good and bad things in life,he knew.He did not want them to be too optimistic or too pessimistic.He took his problem to a friend,Sally.

  “How can I correct their foolish attitudes to life?” he asked his friend.Sally thought for a moment.Then she said,“When is their next birthday?”

  “It’s next Wednesday,” the father replied.“They’ll be twelve years old.”

  “Excellent,” Sally said.“Here’s what you should do.Give Tom a really wonderful present and Jack a really poor one.That should solve their problems.”

  The father did as his friend told him.

  The next Wednesday morning the boys looked at their birthday presents.

  Tom looked at his first.It was a wonderful and very expensive gold watch,but he was not pleased with it.

  “Huh,” he said,“I don’t like this very much.I’m sure it won’t keep good time.It will always be fast or slow,and it will probably break many times,and I’ll have to spend lots of money in getting it repaired.”

  Then Jack looked at his present.He was really pleased.

  “Look!Dad’s given me a shoelace(鞋带),” he said.He held up the shoelace.

  “I haven’t found the shoes yet,but I’m sure they are somewhere in the house.”


  1.What is true about the two sons?

  A.One did more work than the other.

  B.One was more handsome than the other.

  C.One got a beautiful watch,while the other a pair of shoes.

  D.One was easily satisfied,while the other always complained.

  答案及解析:D。由第二段的内容“Jack was an optimist,while Tom was a pessimist”可知两个儿子,两种截然相反的性格:一个乐观,一个悲观。乐观的容易满足,而悲观的总是抱怨

  2.The father was worried that his two sons would   .

  A.have wrong attitudes to life in the future

  B.be unable to find good jobs in the future

  C.feel unhappy on their birthday

  D.expect bad things to happen

  答案及解析:A。由第三段的内容“The man was worried about his two sons…He did not want them to be too optimistic or too pessimistic”可知父亲担心两个儿子在未来对生活的态度都不对,太乐观或太悲观。

  3. When he received a gold watch,Tom   .

  A.was unhappy

  B.was surprised

  C.wanted something else

  D.changed his attitude to life

  答案及解析:A 由文中Tom收到表以后的反应“Huh,” he said,“I don’t like this very much”可知,Tom收到手表以后并不高兴。

  4.The father gave Jack something   .





  答案及解析:B 由文中内容“Look!Dad’s given me a shoelace(鞋带)”可知Jack收到的礼物是鞋带,和手表相比当然更便宜。

  5.What can we learn about Sally from the passage?

  A.She liked Jack and Tom.

  B.She was a good doctor.

  C.She failed to solve the problem.

  D.She bought the birthday presents.

  答案及解析:C 本题考查对整篇文章的理解和升华,朋友Sally出的这个主意,给Tom买昂贵的礼物Jack买便宜的礼物,并没有奏效。乐观的依然乐观,悲观的还是悲观,所以可以推测:并没有解决这个问题


  I’ll always remember the first time I went to a concert.My friend Jerry was a year older than I and he had been to a few concerts.His mother worked in the box office(售票处) of Leighton Hall and Jerry knew he could persuade her to get us tickets for my favorite group.Rocking Hard,who were coming the following Saturday.

  My parents weren’t too pleased about the idea of my going to the concert—they said at fifteen I was too young,but promises of working hard at school and keeping my bedroom tidy finally won them over and they agreed I could go.

  Over the next week I kept my promise—my homework was done the minute I got home and my bedroom was so clean and tidy that it shone.As we got nearer to the big night of the concert, I was getting more and more excited.On Thursday,Jerry and I went shopping to find some “cool” clothes to wear to the concert.

  By Friday,we were at boiling point.We were so excited that we could hardly sleep or eat.All our friends at school envied(羡慕) us because they couldn’t come with us to see Rocking Hard.

  That night,I went to bed thinking about only one thing—the concert the next day.

  On Saturday morning,while I was walking through the park with my dog,I suddenly saw Shane,the singer from Rocking Hard.Just at this moment,my dog ran up to Shane who laughed and turned around to see who the dog belonged to.Then we began to chat with each other.I told him that my friend and I were going to his concert that evening and Shane gave me a card inviting me and Jerry to a backstage(后台) party after the concert.

  When I got home,I rang Jerry to tell him the news.He couldn’t believe our luck.We knew that that evening we were going to the concert of a lifetime.


  1.What can we learn about Jerry in Paragraph 1?

  A.He was one year senior to the author.

  B.His favorite music group was Rocking Hard.

  C.His mother agreed to get tickets for the concert.

  D.He had been to the concert of Rocking Hard several times.

  答案及解析:A 本题是细节题,从第一段的“My friend Jerry was a year older”可知Jerry比我大一岁。其他三项在文中找不到对应或者是和文章事实不符。

  2.The author’s parents finally   .

  A.allowed him to go to the concert

  B.regretted letting him go alone

  C.went to the concert with him

  D.helped Jerry get a ticke

  答案及解析:A 本题考查细节推理,由第二段的“,but promises of working hard at school and keeping my bedroom tidy finally won them over and they agreed I could go.”及后面的内容可知,作者的父母虽然刚开始不愿意让他去音乐会,但是后来在主人公的努力争取下还是同意了。其他选项在文中找不到印证,因此无法判断。

  3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3 about the author and Jerry?

  A.They were so excited that they fell ill.

  B.They managed to get the tickets for the concert.

  C.They made progress in their school performance.

  D.They refused to get tickets for their schoolmates.

  答案及解析:B 本题考查推理判断,从第三段中得知作者和杰瑞都很兴奋,但没有生病,没有提及他们在学校的表现,也没有提及他们拒绝为朋友搞票。他们表现得如此兴奋,特别是在周四去找演唱会穿的显“酷”的衣服,周五基本上睡不着,可以知道是搞到了票,可以去看演唱会。

  4.The author met Shane by chance while   .

  A.shopping with Jerry

  B.going to the concert

  C.attending a weekend party

  D.walking his dog in the park

  答案及解析:D 由倒数第二段“On Saturday morning,while I was walking through the park with my dog,I suddenly saw Shane“可知在星期六早上我在公园遛狗的时候,作者碰见了Shane。

  5.Why did Jerry think they were lucky?

  A.They had been given more tickets.

  B.They had received a ticket from Shane.

  C.They had been able to go to the concert.

  D.They had been invited to a backstage party.

  答案及解析:D 细节题。从倒数第二段得知,作者偶然碰到了Shane,并且与之聊天,后来得到了Shane的邀请在演唱会后去参加backstage party,所以杰瑞认为他们很幸运。



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